Tahoe Rental Management is a full service Lake Tahoe property management company based out of Carnelian Bay, California. We have created a unique platform that is designed to aid homeowners who are renting their treasured Lake Tahoe homes to transient occupancies (stays of less than 1 month). We love the mountains and know what it takes to be a Lake Tahoe Vacation rental manager in this harsh environment.
As Tahoe vacation rental managers, our goal is to protect your investment from both your renters and the elements of this mountain environment while making you a profit. Tahoe vacation rental management is no easy task. We know what to expect from our mountain home and how to prepare for it ; from snowy white-outs, winter blackouts, and pesky black bears, we will have you and your renters covered.
Tahoe has a very seasonal market. We know the ins and outs of this community and we understand how to best manage both your home and your renters to make sure everyone enjoys their stay- including you! We strive to make experiences for you and your guests as enjoyable as possible.
Take a look around the website and don’t hesitate to contact us with and further questions. Thank you for taking the time to consider Tahoe Rental Management
Compared to Other Companies
in the area our houses are:
Our Services
We schedule your home to be cleaned by one of the professional cleaners we work with and the cost is passed directly onto the renter.
-We organize cleaning services for your rental to make sure your house is cleaned on time every time, no matter how tight the turnaround time is.
-Your home will always have the same trusted crew who will get to know your home and all of its nooks and crannies to make sure it is looking its best.
Pre and Post Stay
We make sure your property is at its best and ready to receive guests. after your guests depart, we make sure the house was treated with the respect it deserves.
-Pre-inspection includes checking snow removal, gardening, safety lights, heat, house amenities are in working order, no burnt out light bulbs, propane for the grill, room for trash in the bear box, etc. we look at all of the little things that make your house a home so you don’t have to worry.
-Post rental inspection includes: an account of valuables, damage inspection, and documentation if necessary, turn down the heat, turn off lights, ensuring trash is appropriately stored in the bear box, ensure doors and windows are locked and key has been returned
Compensation and repair
for damages
Accidents happen, that is why we have security deposits and insurance.
-if anything happens to your home while under a renter’s care, big or small, we will make sure it is properly fixed and the renting party is the one who pays the bill. we properly document the damage and send it to the renting agency to make sure your home is returned to its prior condition.
-Please keep in mind that wear and tear is just a part of having people in your home. linens get stained, glasses get broken and appliances wear out. these are not the type of damages we keep security deposits for, but if someone’s child attacks your wall with a sharpie or an over-excited lawn gamer throws a bocce ball through your window, we will make sure those responsible for the damage are who pay to fix it.
List to multiple
List a property on rental websites and make sure all calendars are accurate
We will list your property on all of the top vacation rental websites so your home will receive the maximum amount of exposure while preventing double bookings
Professional Photography
We take professionally lit photographs that capture the feeling of what it is like to be in your home and on your property.
Guest Concierge and
People have all sorts of questions while staying in a new town. depending on the package you choose we will make ourselves available to your guest.
-For all packages, we will be available 24/7 for emergencies such as no heat and lock-outs. for our higher level of involvement packages, we will be the point person for them to ask any and all questions. best beaches? how to turn on the dryer? the snow plow didn’t show up? a strange dog is in their home and doesn’t want to leave?!?! we handle it all.
Manage Inquiries
Guests have needs that must be attended to before, after, and during their stay. good communication is key to the 5 star rating every rental home needs to succeed.
Restock basic house
Little items can make a big difference.
-as a rental company we require that certain goods are provided for guests during their stay such as toilet paper, paper towels, salt and pepper, propane for the grill, batteries in remotes, lightbulbs…all of the little things that you don’t notice until they are missing. please see our basic house amenities section for a specific list. after every rental we will make sure these small yet important features of your home are replenished for the next guest.
Purchase and Basic House
Depending on what package you choose we will charge you a certain percent for purchasing the basic house amenities that are provided with all of our rentals. (please see basic house amenities under the q&a tab) we shop in bulk and, depending on your package, add on a percentage to whatever the cost of the goods was and invoice you for it at the beginning of each month. we believe in complete transparency so you will always receive a copy of the receipt. if you come to visit and want to purchase these goods on your own just ask us what the house needs and we will happily send you a list free of charge so you can do it yourself.

At Tahoe Rental Management we try make the relationship between your needs and our expertise as streamlined as possible.
From experience we know that it’s not as cut and dry as a service list so below you will find a list of frequently asked Questions and Answers
All your house needs to be rented through us is what every house needs to be lived in comfortably; furniture, full kitchen, linens, the basic appliances, and amenities. A general rule of thumb is the more luxury items your house has the better it rents. We know what it takes for renters to be happy and we will happily provide you with a list.
There are two basic types of property management and we handle them differently depending on what package each owner chooses:
- Annual upkeep basic repair services.
This is the owner’s responsibility to schedule either on their own or through us. If we think something needs to be done we will let you know and are generally happy to schedule it for you. Depending on which package you are on fees will vary.
- Renter incurred damages / wear and tear.
It is no secret that things break in houses, especially rental houses. It is our job to make sure it gets replaced. When something gets broken, goes missing, or has seen too many winters we will let you know and facilitate its replacement. Depending on which package you are on fees will vary.
We do! We charge a flat monthly fee that includes damage checks and chemical balances between renters as well as monthly drains. We purchase the filters and chemicals for you and invoice you the same way we do all of your other basic house amenities. If your spa requires an emergency draining because of renter abuse we will pass the bill onto them.
Yes! You, your friends, and family can stay as much as you want. It is your investment and what is the point in spending all that money if you can’t use it? We are here to make you money and help keep your home in an enjoyable condition. The only thing we ask is that you adhere to the check in/out times and have the house professionally cleaned through us after your stay. We charge a flat discounted rate to clean the house. We want you and your loved ones to enjoy your home!
When we clean we restock the house as well. Depending on what rental package you have either you buy the goods or we buy them for you. Supplies need to be stored on-site in a locked room that we have access to. An example of some of the basics we need to store is toilet paper, paper towels, light bulbs, batteries, linens, soap, etc.
We will pay you by 10th business day of each month. This is because we have numerous houses to manage and in order for us to do it effectively we need to have them all on one account.
If your house is already on rental websites we will redo your listing with our professional touch and add it to our pages.
*Only for the 25% package
We list your rental on the main rental websites in the area and supply professional photographs* and text for your ad to make it as appealing as possible. We know our market and we know what people are looking for in a home to rent.
Yes we can! We know what it takes to have a rental home run smoothly and we can help you organize everything you will need to have your home ready as quickly as possible. Fees for the service depend on how hands off or hands on you want us to be.